Graduate Research Assistants

Sarah Kingsbury, B.A., B.S.
Sarah Kingsbury is a fourth-year Au.D. student who is currently completing her clinical externship at Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, AZ. She was involved in research at Miami University and Iowa's HANG Lab before becoming the first member of the Audiogenomics Lab when Dr. Bhatt came to Iowa. Sarah is concluding her time in the lab with her capstone, "Investigating the Role of Diet and Nutrition in the Etiology of Tinnitus." She is interested in being an Au.D. research collaborator in the future.

Xing Wei, B.A.
Xing is a first-year Au.D. student. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in Speech and Hearing Science at the University of Iowa and is excited to continue her education here. Xing joined the Audiogenomics Lab in 2021 as an undergrad and is looking forward to continue her involvement as a graduate student. Her research and clinical interests include electrophysiology, cochlear implant, and vestibular disorders.

Hailey Kingsbury, B.S.
Hailey Kingsbury is a second-year Au.D. who joined the Audiogenomics Lab in 2021. She attended Miami University for her undergrad where she conducted research on the usage of American Sign Language by deaf children with autism. In the lab, she conducts audiological testing on research subjects and oversees the undergrad students. Hailey's research and clinical interests include electrophysiology, pediatrics, and cochlear implants.
Undergraduate Research Assistants
Miranda Becker
Klayre Michel
Qianyi He
Isabel Nehf
Ashley Hoffa
Maddie McCarville
Undergraduate Alumni
Magdie Bandyk
Kiana Ihm
Shelby Cooper
Darby Marsh
Erin Gerveler
Brianna Robertson
Kila Haney
Chloe Sanford